Collection: A Story of 12 Days

I’d like your help raising money to help Los Angeles. For every “fire art” piece you buy, I will donate $150 to the LA Fire Department’s Wildfire Emergency Fund. 

What is “Fire Art?”

On the night of October 8th, 2017, the Tubbs Fire broke out in Calistoga, CA. It swiftly raced over the hills to the west. The next day a group of us went to Santa Rosa to bring supplies and cook for people who had lost their homes overnight. 

After returning to Berkeley 4 days later, I created a piece of “fire art” every day for 12 days until the fire was contained. Each piece is based on what I witnessed and images from news reports. Together, they tell the story of the fire - from being just 10% contained all the way to seeing newly germinated plants pushing their first stalks up through the still-warm earth. 

Working together, we can help.